Friday 15 May 2009

[BAPD] Gaza: an experiment gone awry?


AlQuds Hospital
Al-Quds Hospital, Tel al Hawa, Gaza City

Where once the Gaza Strip may have been “seen as a ‘laboratory’ * in which Israel fine-tunes a dubious balance of maximum control and minimum responsibility, refining techniques that are also suggestive of possible futures for the West Bank,” such is no longer the case.

The latest Israeli assault on the Strip obviously went too far: the abuse was too brutal and inhumane this time around for the world to ignore. It was particularly hard to make sense of the extent of child killings ** by the Israeli Forces.

The ugliness of the Occupation is now laid bare for everyone to see. Few are those who can lay claim today to not knowing. The others who look the other way do so deliberately and no longer out of ignorance. Their numbers are dwindling with every passing day.

No amount of ‘rebranding’ is going to change those facts nor obliterate what happened in Gaza from the mind of those who watched helpless, shocked and horrified as the massacre was carried out. Indeed just the fact that Israel is resorting to such a stratagem to dig herself out of her current predicament may be a sign that she no longer controls the experiment. Did she ever?

* On the notion of Gaza as a ‘laboratory’ set up for nefarious purposes, see also Naomi Klein.
** Reports such as this one or these are not part of common knowledge outside the region.

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